Welcome to the Podcast! Our goal is to equip church technical leaders and artists with the skills and knowledge to create quality experiences that help people engage with Jesus. We release a new episode at the end of the first full week of each month. If you have a question or topic suggestion, you can click on the “I have a question” button.

Episode 13 Art & Science
This time the guys talk about the i2 sides of creating an expereince

Episode 11 Evaluation
This time the guys talk about the importance of evaluation and how to do it well.

Episode 10 Geek Out
The guys get a little technical discussing what they've been geeking out over recently.

Episode 7 - Who do You think you are?
Today the guys talk about the value of personality profiles

Episode 3 | I’m a New TD, Where Do I Start?
Today, the guys discuss some tools and strategies for starting your first job as a church Technical director or for when you go to a new church.

Episode 2 | Production and IT
Today the guys talk about the importance of understanding IT in the production world and some best practices.

Episode 1 | The Operator Matters
It may seem like common sense, but the people behind the equipment are a way bigger piece of the puzzle than the equipemt they’re asked to run. Today the guys discuss some of the implications of this.